Entertainment and recreation
Sometimes a smartphone is enough to relax. Mobile apps for entertainment and recreation offer users a variety of ways to spend their free time, including games, streaming services, and social media.

The idea

The idea
The customer was tired of wasting time searching for movies on different platforms and decided to create his own app that combines everything in one place.
Beetrail has developed a paid subscription service that offeres users access to a huge library of movies with personalized recommendations. With the app, you can easily find interesting movies, create playlists and host virtual movie shows with friends.
How does it work?
The mobile app offers users continuous and high-quality movie watching without intrusive ads. Unlike websites with ads, the app provides a user-friendly interface and personalized recommendations that make it easier to find interesting content.
Users can enjoy high-quality videos and lots of additional features, such as creating playlists and virtual movie shows, without having to close pop-ups or endure commercial breaks.

How does it work?

This palette is ideal for recreational apps, combining serenity and visual interest. Dark tones create a cozy atmosphere and help focus on content, and light shades provide contrast for good readability.
The design helps the user relax and enjoy using the app without being distracted by bright or aggressive colors.

Plus Jakarta Sans is a modern geometric grotesque font with clean and minimalistic lines designed for universal use. The simple and unloaded font design is well suited for creating interfaces that do not distract the user from the main content.
Plus Jakarta Sans
Semi Bold